It's such a great day today and I thought I would share an inspiring story with you. You may have heard of a guy who is biking 12,000 km all over North America to raise awareness and funds for The Salvation Army Autism Centre here in Hamilton. Matt Bursey is an amazing 23 year old who has embarked on this trek to learn, teach, raise awareness and funds for people with developmental disabilities. Matt has worked for The Salvation Army Lawson Ministries for a few years and is really passionate about helping others. He decided that he wanted to do something really big and the Far & Wide Bike Trek was born. He has chosen to support the Autism Centre as he realizes the lack of supports that are available to people who have Autism once they leave the school system. You can read about his amazing travels on his blog here.
Sometimes the news in our country can be discouraging, but here is a young Canadian who is journeying for hope and advocating on behalf of those who are often overlooked. I hope his trek is an inspiration to you today. Please support Matt on his journey. Check the blog. Leave encouraging notes. Donate on-line if you are able. He is truly an amazing person who has inspired me.